Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The "Unbreakable Egg"

Step 1, my group and I did actually go through these processes. We had no clue how to protect the egg nicely with "8 straws" (you kidding me!?!). then two teammates proposed two different form. first, a "Sexy lady" (forgot her name) proposed to get two straws taped and then make a shell/basket with 6 straws. Our second plan, Rachel proposed  to just rap all straws and form a cubic (a rectangular cubic) and place the egg in middle of the cubic  with 2 ft long tap.
In step 2, then Rachel and the "Sexy lady" had argument. We  even talked about how the acceleration, gravity effect the impact when the egg hit on the ground. however, the rest of the team was buying the "Sexy lady' proposal. Meanwhile Rachel was still insisting that her plan was better.
In step 3, I said, "we needed more options to back up our plan". I started thinking about Rachel's plan. afterward, Rachel teared off one lose leave paper and try to make her rectangular cubic. I then said, " we had limited straws, we could not really do a rectangular cubic" and then i suggested if we could make it a cubic of triangle with a squared base. In step, I then proposed to combine both the "Sexy lady" and Rachel's ideas with my further suggestion.
In step 4, the team was united after a few arguments and discussions. Our tactical plan was to tap two straws that connected to our basket, and the two straws extended the length to have our object ( the egg) less impact to the ground when we dropped it. We made double basket to reinforce our shell. two straws like inner basket to hold the egg and connect with 4 straws outer shell and the doubled-shell was connected with two straws.
Step 5, one of our guy named our plan "unbreakable egg". Our final production was ready to be tested. We all seem confident about our tactical plan.
At the end, we made it. However, then there was a sad moment at the end. I forgot to WRITE OUR names on the proposal!!! It was my responsibility that I forgot such the most important and the most basic part of this plan, to give our self credits!! I apologize to you guys. and I am really thankful  for the team's contribution.

1 comment:

  1. OMG how frustrating! at least you have the satisfaction of knowing you did it, and didnt fail.

    it was really neat reading your process because it was so different then my group and obviously with very different outcomes. i think that one thing mly group lacked was listening skills. this is something i realized now that i read your post.

    hopefully for another assingment this post will help me come out on top.
