Thursday, November 18, 2010

I am an influence type of person?

Compare to the rest D,S,and C, I do think that I am more  an "I" person and so the test is actually right. there is one advantage of being "I" person in my experience, this type of person tends to more advantage than others in the same job position. Why? because my boss trusts me and my co-workers would like to work with me. In order to get things done efficiently, trust and mutual understanding are the key in team playing.
However I would combine "I" with "C" because I lack of details and persistent. Once i have these two characters, i can become type "C" person.
It is very helpful to know which type of person people especially when you are dealing with whole bunch of people in a big project. i can communicate with them smoothly.
It is very important for me to have good communication skills because lack of communications could make me isolated from other people (i hate isolation).
Lastly, from this test, i understand more about myself on what advantages i need to strengthen and develop and what disadvantages I  have that need to correct. Once I  strengthen my advantages, I can get through all the hard times in job fields.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

VISions of my future

I have so many visions about my future and they are all related into one final goal that is to become an owner of a multi business company.
my first vision is to have a mid level supermarket. Since I have networks with many brands of food distributors that they can provide me many different kinds of products. Before i get to this level, I need three things. First was massive capital that i can afford in investing and i need other investors to back me up. Second, I need an extremely good credit report that is not just relying on my credit scores. the credit report would count how much estates I have. lastly, I need to have someone who can teach me how to run this business.
my second business is to own a hair salon because i like to cut and color hair. I had worked in salon for 5 years as my part time job (quit my p/t job 6 months ago).
my ultimate goal is to have  franchise businesses on both areas that i have mentioned above. Only close relationships and family members can join in this game. From my point of view of vision of future, I have to have persistent, passion, and the most important is hard working. To form a large scale enterprise, valuable human resources are the key in managing the multi business company because good managements can expand my business. In business strategy, I would form a training system to promote employees who work in my company for a long time rather than to promote outsiders (to hire somebody from other firms). this way, employees will have a closer relationship with their boss and they will have loyalty to their company.