Thursday, November 18, 2010

I am an influence type of person?

Compare to the rest D,S,and C, I do think that I am more  an "I" person and so the test is actually right. there is one advantage of being "I" person in my experience, this type of person tends to more advantage than others in the same job position. Why? because my boss trusts me and my co-workers would like to work with me. In order to get things done efficiently, trust and mutual understanding are the key in team playing.
However I would combine "I" with "C" because I lack of details and persistent. Once i have these two characters, i can become type "C" person.
It is very helpful to know which type of person people especially when you are dealing with whole bunch of people in a big project. i can communicate with them smoothly.
It is very important for me to have good communication skills because lack of communications could make me isolated from other people (i hate isolation).
Lastly, from this test, i understand more about myself on what advantages i need to strengthen and develop and what disadvantages I  have that need to correct. Once I  strengthen my advantages, I can get through all the hard times in job fields.


  1. Trust is very importent in a work place hoever you can not outstand yourself with an I personality. which basicaly mean that you will not get ahead at your Job place, that is why i recommend that you adupt to other DISC.

  2. This test is very helpful in recognizing your weaknesses. I think its great that you are being optimistic and seeing your weaknesses as an opportunity to build and learn to become a more powerful and strong individual!

  3. You bring up a good point about how this test shows us the certain aspects of our tendencies that we can strengthen. I too am a C and feel that I will have to be more dominant and influential in my working life in order to reach my potential.

  4. you bought up a very important subject; "trust". trust is important as anything else in this world. without trust, nothing would get done. But the test does hold truth to me, since i'm more of a influence type.

  5. From our group work, I think you are a C type person who like to analyze the things and share your idea with team members. I think it is good for you to have the communication skill. It will be required for employee in most work place. Hope the DISC test helps you more in job fields. Good luck!

  6. It's interesting that another group memeber of yours would find you to be a different personality type. I am also an "I" type, yet feel that my creative side always shines! I think these personality assesments are a good idea for employers, if they are hiring based on filling a valuable team position, but may also be a waste of time for general hiring.
